WANT TO BE PUBLISHED? YEAH YOU DO! The deadline for the next edition is November 9th 2012.

Ruckus is a collective of students organizing an independent newspaper for the University of Washington community. Ruckus is for participatory democracy, social justice, collective liberation and resistance to killing the planet. We're focused on environmental, economic, cultural, and political issues connected to our university community. We invite participation from staff, students, and community members. If you'd like to write, illustrate, promote, distribute, advertise, subvert, or otherwise contribute, send us an e-mail, or visit us every second and last Saturday of the month at 5 pm at Cafe Solstice on University Ave.

As of Winter 2012, we've expanded our categories for submissions. We're looking for creative and politically engaged people just like your smarmy selves!
These categories are:
1. News
2. Features (i.e. magazine writing)
3. Opinion
4. Creative Writing (fiction, poetry)
5. Visual Arts
6. Miscellaneous

In our last issue we brought you some thought-provoking news and analysis. Agitated? Invigorated? Check out the community calendar on the back of an issue. Want to make things better? Dream up something you and your friends can do about it.

For complaints, contributions or whatever our e-mail is uwruckus@gmail.com.
For updates, you can sign up to our listserv or like our Facebook page.
For submissions, put the category of your piece in the subject line and email ruckusletters@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WTO Party!

In a period of planetary unrest,
a network of the People struck
en masse in Seattle, winning their
first victory against the WORLD

It is a dark time for the resistance.
In the shock of global economic crisis,
human rights have been trampled,
and corporations have begun
construction of a new WTO.

A band of rebels struggling to restore
freedom plan to converge in Seattle

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